Microbiome Testing

I offer Microbiome testing along with other relevant gut health tests. I started to offer this as I see all the time how important our microbiome is and the effects it has on our immunity, moods, hormonal health, energy levels, sleep, skin, digestion and more!

Did you know the gut contains 70-80% of our immune cells and it produces around 90% of our serotonin (commonly known as our ‘happy hormone’)?
Just these facts alone show how important our gut health is!

What is your microbiome?
There are trillions of microbes living in your gut that play a crucial role in your overall health. This complex ecosystem, known as your microbiome, can affect everything from digestion and immunity to mood and energy levels.

Why is the microbiome important?
Your microbiome is like a personalised ecosystem that helps maintain your body’s balance. When it’s in harmony, it supports your digestive system, strengthens your immune defenses, and even influences your mental well-being. However, factors like stress, diet, medication, and lifestyle choices can disrupt this balance. These imbalances are linked to chronic inflammation and metabolic dysfunction – which are two key influences of many health problems.

An imbalance in your microbiome can lead to:
Digestive issues like bloating, gas, and irregular bowel movements
Fatigue and low energy levels
Skin problems such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis
Increased susceptibility to infections
Brain fog, anxiety, or mood swings
Weakened immune function

Why Microbiome Testing is Important
Understanding what’s happening within your microbiome is the first step toward improving your health. Microbiome testing gives you a comprehensive look at the diversity and composition of the microbes in your body. By identifying potential imbalances, you can take targeted steps to restore your microbiome and feel your best.

The tests are very comprehensive providing:
Bacteria report for 20+ health conditions
Microbiome diversity
Lactose & gluten sensitivity
Macronutrient & Micronutrient digestion
Antibiotic and processed food damage
Sugar index

And lots more! All information is decoded into actionable health insights including what foods you should eat more of and less of – all unique to your microbiome.

The great news is that it is so easy to give a sample (the whole kit is provided), it is just a cotton swab from your first wipe on the toilet paper (except for the food allergy testing which is a prick of your finger and DNA which is saliva). I’m using YourGutMap as they are backed by rigorous scientific studies and I like the amount of information they give you, including what foods to eat more and less of.

There are a few different tests you can do (bundles are also available). The one(s) right for you depend on your symptoms and what you are wanting to find out.

These costs include the test, postage, the results and a follow up appointment with me to discuss the results and to formulate a plan to rebalance your microbiome.

I know the list of tests can be overwhelming, if you need help figuring out which is best suited to you please get in touch and I can help. You can also mix & match – you don’t have to do the bundles (for example Candida & Parasitology can be separate).

Microbiome Map – £250
Microbiome Plus (includes Parasitology) – £320
Microbiome Advanced (includes Parasitology & Candida) – £370
Food Sensitivity – £250
DNA Map – £250

I know there is a lot of information here, if you would like to book a free 15 minute chat with me – click here. or if you’d rather email chloegrosstherapies@gmail.com.
